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Life of Okami's “Strenuous Efforts”

---Steps to the Opening of The website---

18. Repairing my Personal Computer


As I had tried to make so many sites using many pictures, capacity of the hard disk became beyond the limit.

I erased old files to reorganize it, but finally I couldn't send any email nor print.

Not having known how to deal with it, I asked for solution to a bulletin board of OSMC.

Some responded that CO-R was good, still some said that MO was good. But not having a clear view which was better, I went to a PC shop. CD-R and MO were quite expensive. So I tried some of the shops at Akihabara and found out that an attached hard disk would hold a big capacity yet be much cheaper.

With some shopkeeper's advice, I brought my note PC to Akihabara and had a hard disk attached to it.

I brought it back home.

My PC was five years old and it was Window 95 of which I decided to make a good use .

Now its environment became much better. But it went down all of a sudden unexpectedly next day.

I suspected two of the screws went off and it broke.

It completely died. So I brought it again to one of the shops in Akihabara, but couldn't

have it fixed. I even went to a service station of the maker company. NO LUCK!

Only the way I could choose was to have it sent to the repairing factory of NOC.

I was perplexed. But I couldn't think of any other way than sending it to them.

I was at a loss though I was almost at the stage of completing the site.

I was told that it would take a week before I would know how much money it might cost to repair it plus I had no idea how long after that it would take to get it back home.

I was helpless without it. I thought twice to find some other way to solve my problem.

I tried a rental from Saturday Dot.Com, but I was refused.

“ Wouldn't there be someone who could kindly let me use his/ her PC?” thought I.

But even there had been, The appropriate soft for my HP had to be installed.

How hard a thing it was to find the right person!

“ No PC, I'm nothing!”

Next day on the way back from Nishino School of Breathing Method, I was very much distressed. I was as if in the situation that' after having given a birth to a baby, a staff there had said, “ You can be dehospitalized , but not your baby because its weight is not heavy enough for being given to you right now.”

Then I realized my difficulty would be so severe, so that without waiting for my PC to be fixed, I decided to go to Akihabara and buy a new Note-PC.

I went in a PC shop and said, “ I want to buy the cheapest Note-PC” and bought one.